Mesa County Misses Out On Share Of $35 Million From Marijuana Tax
Why is Mesa County missing out on this? Seems like every other county is busy counting its cash. Oh, wait. That's right. Guess we don't need this money.
'Show me the money!' The Colorado Department of Revenue has released its report on state and county marijuana tax money generated for 2016. You won't believe some of the amounts. The one dollar amount I do believe is the amount of money that Mesa County brings in every year. ZERO.
Colorado, as a state, collected nearly $200 million in cannabis cash. But the report also breaks it down county by county. Almost $35 million was generated by 29 Colorado counties. Here are the top 10:
10) La Plata - $578,510
9) Weld - $859,723
8) Pueblo - $1,006,238
7) Adams - $1,467,544
6) Larimer - $1,643,216
5) Jefferson - $1,826,287
4) El Paso - $2,736,640
3) Boulder - $2,740,623
2) Arapahoe - $3,259,868
1) Denver - $14,129,757
Even our neighboring Garfield county collected $578,510 in marijuana tax revenue.
I admit I don't know much, but all we seem to hear is how this area needs money for this and that. Meanwhile, 29 other counties are ringing their cash registers to the tune of $35 million. Don't you think that Mesa County could use some of that money?
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