Look: Colorado Biologist Catches Monster Tiger Muskie
A Colorado biologist caught one monster tiger muskie while doing a survey. Look at Carrie Tucker's massive tiger muskie, which she caught at DeWeese Reservoir.
During a survey at DeWeese State Wildlife Area, a Colorado biologist caught one monster tiger muskie. Aquatic biologist Carrie Tucker caught a 44-inch long, 22-pound tiger muskie. As you can see in the picture above, the fish is so big, it almost doesn't look real.
Tiger muskie must be at least 36 inches long to keep in Colorado according to Colorado Parks & Wildlife. Colorado's state record for the biggest tiger muskie: 53 inches longand over 40 pounds.
Even though Carrie's tiger muskie wasn't state record worthy, it's still wow-worthy. I would be so excited if I caught a fish as big as the one above. It'd be great to see the fish first hand and really get a concept of its size and strength by holding it and of course, setting it free.
Tiger muskie are a hybrid between a northern pike and muskellunge. They're stocked in 29 different bodies of water here in Colorado.
15,000 tiger muskies are stocked annually, according to Colorado Parks & Wildlife. Tiger muskie are stocked to control other unwanted species. Carrie's monster tiger muskie was caught while CPW was conducting a gillnet survey.
Gilets are used to passively survey a body of water. Fish get caught in the net as they try to swim through it, and are held behind the gill plate. (Hence the name.)
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