Confused By Colorado’s Traction Law? Do the Quarter Test
Colorado's traction law can be a bit confusing to some.
It also can be quite costly if your vehicle doesn't meet the minimum standard requirements. Violators can be fined $130 for not driving with adequate equipment. If you are in an accident and your vehicle blocks even one lane of traffic because of inadequate equipment, the fine could be more than $650.
The Colorado State Patrol wants drivers to understand the law, which consequently will help make Colorado roads safer for everyone. By now, everyone's heard about the "quarter test" to determine if their tires have enough tread. That means 3/16 of an inch. However, not everyone fully understands what that means.
Watch the Colorado State Patrol video see how to administer the quarter test to your tires and learn other facts about the traction law you need to know. It truly isn't complicated. President Washington may be telling you it's time for new tires - or he might give you the green light to make it through another Colorado winter.
Sure your eyes could be opened to your need for new tires, an unwanted extra expense for sure. The top priority needs to be safety, not only ours but everyone else's safety as well. A few years ago we experienced one of the worst traffic delays on the I-70 corridor, largely because of bad tires. Major delays were caused by 22 vehicles spinning out and causing crashes. A total of 19 vehicles were reported to have had worn tires.
Don't be that guy or gal who creates havoc on the highway. Find yourself a quarter and do the quarter test before your next excursion over the mountains.
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