Colorado Water Buffalo Mysteriously Disappears
Whether they get loose through an open gate, escape out a door, or run away from home, it's always unfortunate when our pets go missing. Sites like NextDoor and Facebook help spread the word quickly to neighbors when these types of situations occur.
Colorado resident, Laura Perry shared that her beloved pet Moochi went missing on August 8. She hopes that getting her information out there will help bring the adorable animal home.

Moochi is a one-year-old buff-colored water buffalo that weighs a whopping 900 pounds. Perry has raised the buffalo since she was a baby and is devasted by the current scenario.
The massive mammal disappeared from a herd of Charolais cow/calf pairs on Perry's farm in Agate, Colorado. According to her owner, Moochi loves her herd of calves and people, and wouldn't just leave unless she had help. She is described as being tame, gentle, and kind.
Perry explained on Facebook that tire tracks were discovered by a back gate that's barely ever used, but there were no footprints and the gate wasn't left open. It's also possible that Moochi went looking for a bull water buffalo and escaped on her own.
Moochi's family is asking the public to keep an eye out for the buffalo at livestock facilities, processing plants, and sale barns across the country. People in the Agate area and Elbert County are encouraged to check their ponds - Moochi may be in the water with her nose sticking out.
The lovable buffalo has a white long-hair star on her forehead. Her horns curl backward and are about 1 to 2 inches in length.
In addition to Elbert County Sheriff's Office assisting in the search, the family also hired Stolen Horse International-NetPosse Missing and Stolen Equine to lend their services to the case.
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