Will This Mesa Mall Store Be the Next to Close?
Herberger's at Grand Junction's Mesa Mall is days away from closing their doors for good. The Sears store at Mesa Mall is right behind them. Will this store be next?
According to simplemost.com, Victoria's Secret is following in the footsteps of Sears and closing a number of stores all over the country. At present, Victoria's Secret is planning to close 20 stores.
Before we go any farther, the list of stores set to face the chopping block has yet to be released. I placed a call to the Victoria's Secret in Grand Junction. Their unofficial statement is the Grand Junction location most likely will not be affected by the closures. They added, however, the official word regarding store closures has not yet been made available to them.
So far in 2018, Victoria's Secret has already closed six stores. According to simplemost.com, L Brands shares fell almost 15 percent in January. Is this due to Internet sales? L Brands CEO Leslie Wexner told the Wall Street Journal the company planned to focus on their retail outlets.
I'm convinced people want to go to the store. People want to be with people." - Leslie Wexner
I sincerely hope the Grand Junction store remains open. Being a guy, and a single one at that, I have no reason to shop at Victoria's Secret. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. Just the same, I don't want to see another Grand Junction store close.