Weird stuff here...really weird stuff here. After getting a text from a friend about this a couple days ago, I thought he was either really drunk, hungover or both...or just losing his marbles but it appears, he wasn't the only one that witnessed this very rare phenomenon.


According to the National Weather Service in Boulder, these light pillars are really rare  here in Colorado because the conditions have to be perfect and exact for these things to appear but apparently they were this week.

"We had the right conditions Wednesday night with frigid temperatures, just after a storm, so there was enough moisture in the air and it was calm to allow for the ice crystals to form,'' the NWS spokesperson said.

So basically the beams of light were actually ice crystals that were simply suspended in the air and the light from the city was reflecting off of them.

I'm no scientist, far from it in fact my first reaction if I saw these things would've been that the aliens are here and coming to get us because after the past couple of years...what ELSE could it have been.

But was just science and some damn cold and still weather.

If you missed that phenomenon the other night, you may have to wait a while because the arctic air is heading out slowly but surely.

We're expected to be in the 30's and 40's for highs over the next week with overnight lows in the 20's and teens...not cold enough for ice pillars to be seen in the sky...which is perfectly fine with me.


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