Montrose Police Officer Ensures Neighborhoods Are Safe
During a time of year when thieves scout neighborhoods looking for easy scores from Christmas presents, a Montrose Colorado police officer makes sure his neighborhoods are safe.
A Montrose, Colo. resident shared a post on Facebook thanking an unknown (at the time) Montrose County Sheriff's police officer for keeping her neighborhood safe.
Kellie Colontrelle explained that during the night, her garage door opened in the middle of the night. Saying it was closed when she and her husband went to bed. In the Facebook post, she shared a photo caught by a security camera of an officer investigating the open door.
She writes:
While we were fast asleep, he was keeping us and our things safe. With all the thefts and break ins occurring lately, knowing he was driving through to check on neighborhoods late at night really put our minds a little more at ease.
The Montrose County Sheriff's Office shared her post, identifying the officer as Sergeant Sanders.
Kellie and her family thank Sergeant Sanders for making sure their belongings were safe and they have a great Christmas.
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