Look Who’s Moving Into the Old ‘Bread Store’ at 12th & Patterson
There are changes o' plenty taking place at 12th and Patterson in Grand Junction. You probably remember the old "bread store" in the corner unit at Village Fair Shopping Center. They're long gone, but somebody new is moving in.
In the good old days, which really weren't that long ago, you would visit the Bakery Outlet to get discount bread and various Sara Lee dessert items. You know, things kind of like Twinkies and Ding Dongs and Snowballs and such.
Well, the Bakery Outlet said "later" some time ago, and ultimately, a Yoga studio opened up. It, too, said "later." Now there's a new kid in town.
Welcome High Tides Accessories to 12th and Patterson. You're probably familiar with this store. You may have shopped at the Mesa Mall location. They fix, buy, and sell phones. They also carry a line of accessories.
I seem to recall purchasing something from their Mesa Mall location some years ago. For the life of me I can't remember what it was. Probably a case or that clear film they put over your screen.
A number of changes are taking place on the northwest corner of 12th and Patterson. You've probably seen the "For Sale" sign on ANB Bank. They are relocating to the corner directly east.
Welcome to 12th and Patterson, High Tides. This will be a very convenient location for those making their way down that corridor. Of course, the students will enjoy having a store this close to campus.