Local Places To Get Your Birthday On
It is my 33rd birthday tomorrow I thought it would be a good idea to figure out something to do for my birthday.
I decided I wanted to do something out of the ordinary for my birthday, so I found a few things that I could do.
These are also incredible choices for that special birthday you want to put on.
Angelos is a little out of the box for a birthday, but it is so much fun. Making your own pottery is something that will suck you in. Now make it with a group of people for a birthday then the fun will get amped up. You can make it look however you like. This is one I will be doing for my daughters 9th birthday.
Orchard Mesa Lanes is a perfect place for a birthday party. I mean who doesn't want to get there bowl on? I know I love to bowl even though I'm not very good at it. You can take the birthday boy or girl bowling and have some fun. You can eat while your there too. It's the best of both worlds!
The Glacier Ice Arena is a really cool place to be. I have been here once before and didn't get to ice skate. You could also have one amazing birthday here. They set everything up for you, and even hook you up with some pizza! I know for my oldest daughters 12th birthday party this is the place she will be.
X-Golf sounds like it would be an awesome place for a birthday party. Get all the golfing in without having to go freeze outside. It could be an adult birthday party or something the family can do for dad (wink, wink). I know if I was told I was going to X-Golf for my birthday, I would be stoked.
The Pallete is a fun place to go paint drink some wine and let loose. Bring your friends along and turn it into a birthday party. I'm told that wine makes everything better. For my wife's birthday, I will be taking her out painting. She has no idea that I am doing this for her birthday so don't say anything,
It is up to you to go out and have the best birthday possible. What are you still doing here? Go out and have some fun!