There are quite a few horror movies that were filmed in Colorado such as Phantoms and the campy Tsunambee, as well as others that were inspired by an experience in the Centennial State, most notably Stephen King's The Shining.

Read More: ‘Tsunambee’ and 27 Other Horror Movies Filmed in Colorado |

However, while it wasn't filmed in Colorado, one of the most popular and influential horror films of all time, 1974's The Texas Chain Saw Massacre was partially inspired by a chance meeting between the film's director and a well-known actor that took place in Colorado.

Texas Chain Saw Massacre Opening Scene has Colorado Roots

Decades after the iconic horror film was released, it has been confirmed that a rather famous actor lent his voice to the opening scene of Tobe Hooper's Texas Chain Saw Massacre.

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If you're familiar with the TV show Night Court, you're probably also familiar with its Emmy-winning star, John Larroquette.

Well, before Larroquette was hilariously slamming down his gavel, he was a bartender in Colorado. It was here that he seemingly randomly met director Tobe Hooper.

The two became friends and Hooper, while working on the aforementioned horror classic, approached Larroquette about signing on to narrate the film's opening scene.

Larroquette agreed, but instead of receiving cash or royalties for his work, he laid down the voiceover in exchange for marijuana.

There has been speculation for many years that Larroquette was the man behind the voice but now, roughly 50 years later, it would appear that the Night Court star has finally revealed that the rumors are, in fact, true.

‘Tsunambee’ and 27 Other Horror Movies Filmed in Colorado

Over the years, a handful of horror movies have been filmed in Colorado.

Gallery Credit: Nate Wilde

27 Sci-Fi and Fantasy Films That Were Filmed in Colorado

It may surprise you to know that sci-fi and fantasy films written by Stephen King, starring Patrick Swayze, and even Woody Allen, were filmed in Colorado.

Gallery Credit: Nate Wilde

Colorado Locations That Dumb and Dumber Were Filmed In

The classic comedy film Dumb and Dumber was largely filmed in Colorado.

Gallery Credit: Nate Wilde