With all the great pizza restaurants in Colorado, it's hard for one to stand out as a "destination" pizza joint; this place may have done it.

Here's a place that has taken two things that Coloradans love, bikes and pizza, and put them in one place. It's genius.

Also, there's a bear.

Colorado Pizza
Facebook/The Flying Bear Pizzeria at Naturita Bicycle Company

There's a great joke on "South Park," where former Vice President Gore is hunting the monster, ManBearPig. The monster is, "half human, half bear, half pig."

I bring up ManBearPig, because that's what I immediately flashed to when I heard about Flying Bear Pizzeria. Their website's URL is what did it: PizzaBikesBeer.com. You put it all together, and I see Al Gore warning us about ManBearPig.

Where is This Pizza Joint Inside of a Bike Shop in Colorado?

About 50 miles northwest of Telluride is Naturita; a small Colorado mountain town with 2020 population of about 300.  I picture a very "laid-back" kind of community.

There in Naturita, you will find a building that had been different renditions of a bar/lounge over the years. Today, you'll find a combination of two Colorado pastimes: Eating pizza and mountain biking:

The Flying Bear Pizzeria at Naturita Bicycle Company.

Pizza Join at Bike Shop
Facebook/The Flying Bear Pizzeria at Naturita Bicycle Company

Which Came First: The Bike Shop or the Pizzeria?

Reading their story, I'm going to say that the husband and wife owners moved from Moab, Utah, together, and opened the combo-shop all at once.

Pizza Join at Bike Shop
Facebook/The Flying Bear Pizzeria at Naturita Bicycle Company

RELATED: Colorado's Favorite Pizza Toppings

It really does, to me, seem like the perfect combination; whether you're an avid rider, or not.

If you DO mountain bike, all the better: Take a break, get some gear, maybe get your rig adjusted/modified; find maps for trails you didn't know about.

While you're there, grab a slice (or a whole pie) and a beer.

MORE Colorado Pizza: 15 Hidden Gem Pizza Joints Across Colorado

We searched out pizza in Denver, Fort Collins, Boulder, Colorado Springs and Grand Junction.

Gallery Credit: Dave Jensen

MORE Colorado Pizza: DeLorean Day at Colorado's Totally '80's Pizza

September 18, 2022, was Totally 80's Pizza's "DeLoreans/Back tot Future Day" at their new location at Drake and Shields in Fort Collins.

Gallery Credit: Dave Jensen