Halloween is right around the corner, and we are ready to be scared. Are you brave enough to go to a haunted house? Personally, there is no way I am brave enough to surround myself with the paranormal on purpose.

Do I believe in ghosts and the paranormal? I go back and forth. Sometimes I feel like it is dumb, but on the other hand, there is no way I keep leaving my silverware drawer open at home.

Coloradans Are Obsessed With Ghosts

Colorado was recently ranked as one of the most ghost-obsessed states by AirportParkingReservations.com. Colorado is the tenth-most haunted-house-obsessed state.

There are 289 reported haunted and spooky locations in Colorado, according to GhostQuest.

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Coloradans Seek Out the Paranormal


There are an estimated 818 haunted house seekers and 1,433.8 ghost seekers per 10,000 residents.

That means that Coloradans are more interested in ghosts than haunted houses. Could that be because we believe there are ghosts in our homes?

Paranormal Shows Have Been Filmed in Colorado


There have been five different ghost hunter or adventure-based shows filmed across Colorado. The most recent show was Paranormal Encounters which was filmed in 2022 at a haunted bar in Denver.

One of The Most Haunted Houses in Colorado: The Stanley Hotel

The Stanley Hotel, which inspired Steven King to write The Shining, is a favorite for paranormal seekers in Colorado. King visited the hotel in 1974 and felt a paranormal presence.

The book, which was released three years after King's visit, was turned into a major motion picture featuring Jack Nicholson.

BOO! Which State in America Loves Halloween the Most?

How do you determine a state's love for Halloween and all things spooky? Somehow AirportParkingReservations.com:
"examined the number of searches for haunted houses, haunted house reports, and the number of ghost stories and Ghost Adventures episodes filmed in each state".
Using this data, they were able to calculate a total score on a scale between 0 and 40. Here's how your state ranked in AirportParkingReservations.com ranking for The Most Halloween and Haunted House Obsessed States in America.

Explore 10 of Colorado’s Most Haunted Mansions & Hotels

Some of Colorado's oldest mansions and hotels are also some of the most haunted destinations in the Centennial State. Scroll on to check out 10 of Colorado's haunted mansions and hotels and to learn more about the ghosts that haunt them today.

Are You Brave Enough to Stay In This Haunted Colorado Brothel Airbnb?

This Colorado Airbnb, a former brothel, has it all - comfort, history, and ghosts. You should book a stay at this haunted piece of haunted Americana.

Even the name is creepy. The awesome Black Monarch can be found in the town of Victor, Colorado, roughly 45 minutes from Colorado Springs. Looking at their schedule, the place has vacancies available for the remainder of 2022.