Pinkies Up! These Two Arizona Cities Make the List of Snobbiest in America
- Two Arizona cities made the list of this year's Snobbiest Cities
- 341 American cities were analyzed
- Wealth, education, and sophistication were some of the factors used to compile this study
Arizona's Snobbiness, Ranked
Let's face it. Arizona is one of the least snobbiest places in the United States. There are always exceptions, but for the most part, people here are friendly, kind, and down-to-earth.
A website called Road Snacks just released its annual ranking of the 10 Snobbiest Cities in America. This year, not a single Arizona city made the top 10. Compared to 2015, when one of our cities snagged the number four spot.
These Ranked as the Top 10 Snobbiest Cities in America
According to Road Snacks, these 10 American Cities rank highest for snobs:
- Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Alexandria, Virginia
- San Buenaventura (Ventura), California
- Ann Arbor, Michigan
- Pasadena, California
- Seattle, Washington
- Atlanta, Georgia
- Boulder, Colorado
- Charleston, South Carolina
- Washington, DC

Arizona's Snobbiest Towns
It's nice to know Arizona didn't rank anywhere near the top 10 this year. In 2015, Scottsdale landed at the number four spot in the nation for snobbiest city. It's now fallen to number 23 on the Road Snacks ranking.
Using data points from census information, crime rates, median income, and home prices, they discovered:
- The median home in Scottsdale is valued at $540,000
- Scottsdale's median income is $97,409
- The cost of living is 1.3 times higher than the national average
The other Arizona city that ranked in the top 100 snootiest enclaves was Tempe, snagging the number 96 spot.
- Tempe's median home value is $321,300.
- The median income is $64,080.
- The cost of living in Tempe is 1.1 times higher than the national average.
Other Factors Ranking Snootiness
Road Snacks stresses that this ranking is all in fun. They used other "not-so-sciency" metrics to compile the list.
Factors like "the city’s reputation for aloof and smarty-pants residents, the presence of high-end shopping, good-looking locals, trendy food trucks, and highbrow cultural offerings like classical music and theater". Obviously, these factors are based on opinions.
This is a list we're glad we don't rank highly in Arizona. We'll take average and friendly any day!
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