How Many Western Colorado Businesses Test for Pot?
Marijuana is legal in Colorado, but we wonder how many western slope companies are still testing for pot?
According to the Greeley Tribune, a study found that 70% of businesses in northern Colorado still test for pot. It made us wonder what that number might look like on the western slope.
Drug testing isn't going anywhere, but some businesses may loosen stringent rules that would prohibit the use of pot in the workplace.
Obviously, there are jobs where clarity of thought is essential - and anything less could result in a dangerous situation or poor delivery of top-quality customer service or compromised production quality. I mean, nobody wants drunk employees working for them on the clock, so why would they want employees who are stoned?
Still, we wonder how many businesses now have a zero tolerance policy for a drug that is perfectly legal in the state of Colorado. So, we are putting out this unofficial, unscientific poll to at least get a feel for the the pot climate in the western Colorado workplace.
Take the poll below and let us know what's happening where you work regarding their marijuana policy.