No Grand Junction You Cannot Park There
We know, we know. Parking in Grand Junction sucks, to say the least. That doesn't mean you can park anywhere you'd like. So, let's take a look at the places you can't park in Grand Junction.
The city of Grand Junction doesn't mark certain areas where you can't park. This may cause some confusion when you're deciding if you should park there or not. We decided to help you out and make sure you know where you can't park.
If it's not on this list, feel free to park it like it's hot.
On a Sidewalk
Living downtown, this is one of my biggest pet peeves. It's called a sidewalk -- keyword, walk. Sometimes, I'd like to just walk over the top of a car, or through the back seat. I mean, it has become a public easement at that point.
In Front of or Within 5 Feet of an Alley, Public or Private Driveway
Oh. My neighbors are the worst at this. They always park right at the edge of my driveway behind an evergreen bush. Luckily, I back into my driveway, or I'd probably back right into their cars.
On or Within 20 Feet of a Crosswalk (Marked or Unmarked)
See sidewalk. Since this is just an extension of a sidewalk across the road.
Within 30 Feet of an Intersection with a Traffic Control Signal
This includes intersections with a blinking light, stop sign, yield sign, or a traffic light. If you do this, you're part of the reason people get hit at intersections.
In a No Parking Zone
Hello, Captian Obvious, there's a sign right there telling you that you can't park there.
In Front of or Within 15 Feet of a Fire Hydrant
I've seen photos of firefighters running their hoses through a car's windows. Don't be that guy!
In a Handicap Parking Space
Unless, of course, you have a permit. If not, it's just rude.
In an Alley
Alleys were set up to allow additional access to residential and business properties. Not for you to park your jalopy.
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