The golfing season has arrived and along with it comes plenty of scrambles and tournaments to choose from, but one you don't want to miss is the 14th annual Jolly Construction Golf Tournament.

It is impossible to play in all of the golf events that happen in western Colorado - or even most of them- so golfers have to pick and choose which ones to participate in. This is one you shouldn't miss, and so we are offering five good reasons to play in the Jolly Construction Golf Tournament on April 23.

This is a benefit for the Riverside Educational Center in Grand Junction, which offers after-school tutoring and extra-curricular activities for kids who need it most. The cost to the families of these students is only $20, so there is a huge expense absorbed by the center. This is a great way for you to have an impact on the lives of some Grand Junction youth and have a fabulous time doing it.

It's a chance to play at the premiere golf course in Western Colorado, Redlands Mesa. Redlands is a challenging course, but far less intimidating when you are playing in a four-person scramble event for fun.

It's early in the season, so if your golf game stinks you have a ready-made excuse for your bad golf. The fact is, nobody cares about your game. Its for fun, and it's for a good cause. I don't know if there is a prize this year, but setting on my desk is a LAST PLACE trophy from this tournament in 2010.

Your pastor will give you a pass for missing church because you are helping a good cause. The Bible encourages us to be charitable and that's exactly what you're doing. The fact that you are having an absolutely incredible time while you do it is completely beside the point.

Springboarding off reason #4, the fact is, the Jolly Construction Golf event is the best time you can have playing golf. A great lunch is provided, plus there will be prizes for the top finishers, longest drive, closest to the pin, a ton of raffle prizes, and for those so inclined, there's free beer on the course.

If you would like to be a part of this great event at Redlands Mesa, call or text Joy at 970- 589-5039 or email


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